Payment Options
Write your check payable to "Central Bucks HS Class of 1968" for $30 per person for each of the two events.
Mail your check (with a registration form, if you haven't already sent one or registered online) to:
Mary Lou Williams
752 North Chubb Drive
Doylestown, PA 18901
PayPal/Credit Card
Here's the link to pay by PayPal:
If asked to identify the type of transaction: Goods and services or Friends and family, please choose Friends and family. That way we'll get the whole amount, and PayPal won't take a $1.05 fee from each $30. We're not selling anything; you're making a contribution toward the costs of the reunion. You can leave "What's this payment for?" blank, or put your name, or write "reunion contribution". If the name on the PayPal account isn't yours, yes, please put your name in the box, so we know who it's from. Thanks!